CyberInt group specializes in Information and Cyber Security. Over the past two decades, they had accumulated a rich and sound experience in the security field, serving as CISOs, Integrators, System Architect, Penetration-testers, Instructors, Technology Resellers, Product Managers, and Consultants.
Their comprehensive and broad perspective on information and cyber security enables them to provide intelligent cyber and information security services that answer to the increasingly complex security challenges of the modern, digital world.
They present a cross-domain, mission-focused, and methodological approach to cyber and information security risk management. Their clients spread across all market sectors including major High-Tech companies, Global organizations, Telecom operators, financial institutes, Security and Defense vendors, government and military agencies, and critical infrastructure providers.
They regard their professional integrity as a key value of CyberInt code of practice; they are committed to providing their clients with intelligent, effective, and practical solutions that fully address their security needs.